Want To Know The Secrets To Jumping Higher And Farther?
Introducing The Flight Clinic For The...
Long Jump

Triple Jump

High Jump

Hey there, and welcome to The Flight Clinic. The first local jumping clinic run by specialist jumping coaches.
Now before I get into the details of the clinic I have a few questions I want to ask you...
- Are you looking to start jumping through the roof?
- Do you want to add inches and feet to your jumps?
- Tired of having other athletes jump farther and higher than you?
- Does your coach know more about the running events than the jumps?
- Do you feel like you know more about the jumps than your coach?
- Or are you stuck in a rut with your jumps?
If you answered yes to any of those questions above
then make sure you keep reading.
When it comes to track and field there are a ton of camps and clinics that will show athletes how to run faster, and run longer.
Did you know, there are very few high quality jumpers clinics? They are almost non-existent around here.
Here's another thing… did you know the clinics and camps that are out there are usually thrown together by a college or university and run by general coaches.
Not specialists in the jumping events.
They just leverage the college name to persuade people and make them think it's a high quality camp/clinic when it's not.
That's not cool.
Plus, there is a huge need for a jumpers clinic/ camp locally.
It's actually one of the biggest requests we have received from jumpers in the area.
So we decided to shake things up a bit and create our own HIGH QUALITY jumpers clinic.
That way we can help you add inches, feet, or even meters onto your jumps. And we are doing right here at home.
No traveling hours and hours to get elite level coaching and instruction on how to jump better.
And no watered down coaching from "Generalist" coaches. Only specialized instruction from an actual jumps coach with 20 years of experience.
So if you want to take your jumping to the next level, just check out all the details below...
What The Clinic Is All About...
How Does The Clinic Work?
This is a one day clinic where each event (LJ, TJ, HJ) gets approximately 3 hours. There will be a 30 minutes break between each event, and a lunch break. There will be plenty of water breaks, and rest periods so you won’t get too tired.
What Will Be Covered?
In each session we will through the most important aspects of the event. They will participate in drills, take actual jumps, learn the theory, and get personalized feedback throughout the entire process.
How Is This Clinic Different?
This is a very small exclusive clinic. We will work with only 5 or 6 people per event. That way each athlete gets a lot of individual attention. A lot of other camps have dozens and dozens of athletes where they get very little attention. That won’t happen here. Plus they will get to learn from a former All-East Division 1 jumper, with 20 years of jumping and coaching experience.
Clinic General Information
Clinic Date(s)
Saturday July TBD- Sunday July TBD (Rain Date)
Clinic Events
High Jump
Long Jump
Triple Jump
Location Clinic
Time(s) 7:30am – Check in/ warm-up.
8am – 11am – High Jump
11am – 11:30am – Lunch (Bring Your Own)
11:30am – 2:30pm – Triple Jump
3pm – 6pm – Long Jump
Eligibility – High School Aged Athletes On Up
– Only 5- 6 Athletes Per Event
– Once Spots Are Filled The Event Is Closed
Cost/Fee $75 Per Event
$200 – Combo Package (all 3 events)
Video Analysis
1 Jump Analysis – $25
2 Jumps Analyzed – $40
3 Jumps Analyzed – $50
Important Info About The Clinic...
As mentioned above this is a very small exclusive clinic that is designed to give you elite level coaching and attention. There are very few spots available for this. That way you get the personal attention you really need so you can jump farther and higher.
Since there are such limited spots, this will fill up fast.
Please be aware if someone picks up the combo package, they actually take a spot in each event (lj, tj, hj).
So if there are 5 or 6 people who pick up the combo package, then ALL SPOTS WILL HAVE BEEN FILLED!
Which Option Should You Choose?
Our recommendation would be to go with the combo package. Why?
The first reason is you're actually saving money instead of paying for 3 individual events.
The second reason is, a lot of the instruction and coaching that will take place will be carried over between events. There are a lot similarities between events, but also important differences that need to demonstrated so there is no confusion.
The third reason, is if you pick the combo package there will be less people. That means that you will get even more personal attention, and more reps through the drills and jumps.
What if I only do one or two events?
Honestly, then you can choose those as long as there are open spaces. But we feel it's still a better option to go with the combo pack. Why?
For the same reasons mentioned above, plus it will reinforce everything you learned. And, you get even more time with the coach to see other areas that you could improve on. Basically, the more time you are there, the more you will benefit, even if you only really want to do one or two events.
Clinic Registration Options...
The Clinic Combo Package
The Combo Package Includes
1) The High Jump Clinic
2) The Long Jump Clinic
3) The Triple Jump Clinic
4) In-depth Personal Attention/ Coaching/ Analysis Of Each Event
$225 Value
Now Only $200
To Register For The Combo Package Click The Add To Cart Button Below...
***Please Be Aware - Our Checkout process will be under the name "Social Proof Consulting." If you pay by credit card it will be under "Social Proof Consulting."
High Jump Clinic
To Register For The High Jump Clinic Please Click The "Add To Cart" Button Below
1) Once you click that button you will be taken to a checkout page
2) If you are only doing the long jump clinic you can just check out.
3) If you want to choose other clinic events to participate in, click the Continue Shopping button you see.
High Jump Clinic Registration Fee...
***Please Be Aware - Our Checkout process will be under the name "Social Proof Consulting." If you pay by credit card it will be under "Social Proof Consulting."
Long Jump Clinic
To Register For The Long Jump Clinic Please Click The "Add To Cart" Button Below
1) Once you click that button you will be taken to a checkout page
2) If you are only doing the long jump clinic you can just check out.
3) If you want to choose other clinic events to participate in, click the Continue Shopping button you see.
Long Jump Clinic Registration Fee...
***Please Be Aware - Our Checkout process will be under the name "Social Proof Consulting." If you pay by credit card it will be under "Social Proof Consulting."
Triple Jump Clinic
To Register For The Triple Jump Clinic Please Click The "Add To Cart" Button Below
1) Once you click that button you will be taken to a checkout page
2) If you are only doing the triple jump clinic you can just check out.
3) If you want to choose other clinic events to participate in, click the Continue Shopping button you see.
Triple Jump Clinic Registration Fee...
***Please Be Aware - Our Checkout process will be under the name "Social Proof Consulting." If you pay by credit card it will be under "Social Proof Consulting."
Video Analysis
To Have Up To 3 Of Your Jumps Analyzed Click Select Your Options Below
1) You can choose up to 3 video reviews. One review for each event.
2) Make sure you select how many you want below
3) If you want to choose other options, click the Continue Shopping button you see in the checkout page.
Video Analysis Fees...
***Please Be Aware - Our Checkout process will be under the name "Social Proof Consulting." If you pay by credit card it will be under "Social Proof Consulting."